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Let’s celebrate together with Dental Bridge launch event
| 2022-02-23

Welcome to Dental Bridge!
The space for Dentistry where all dental professionals can learn, share, connect and more importantly participate to earn rewards!
As first ever event to celebrate our launch we will share the joy with you. Here’s what you need to do in order to participate.
1.Sign up to with full details
2.Participate in survey
3.Post an introductory video of yourself on connect section
4.Write to admin on board as you finish with name, e-mail address, nickname.
Our admin will check for mission completion and reward you with 300,000 sand points*
*can be used on Dental Bridge Platform to purchase contents, products etc in the future. Pls check our points value and scheme.
5. We will also select the best self introductory video every month based on number of likes,
views and quality to give secret reward (same person or video cannot be selected twice for prize)